Posts by thatgirlonline

Hello small corner of the internet! I will keep this short, but here's the details; I'm Ellie, I'm 14 years old and English, I post regularly and try my upmost best to create entertaining, insightful or just pleasant content! There are many posts to read, ranging from lists, to rants, from hauls to descriptive long reads! I hope you enjoy my blog, and please respect me, my blog and my opinions! Thank you. Ellie x

Picture Purrrfect Pets! 

Oooooh my goodness! It’s been so long – sorry I deserted you my lil blog! 

Hello… How’s everyone (by everyone, I guess I mean my very few followers and subs!)? 

I’m doing ok, actually, thanks for asking: the homework’s pilling, and I wish I could say the same about my social life and friends! Haha… Probably something I shouldn’t laugh about…

But I know something(s) you should laugh about – my pets! 

So I saw a blog post a while ago (sorry, I forgot who) but it was just like a little gallery of their pets and the crazy-weird things they do, and I realised that my cats are weird and cute in their own way and deserve some appreciation!  

So we’ll start off with cat #1 – Rimmer, giving us his own impression of ‘Let it go’, twice! 
Next,  Rimmer again. He chooses the best places to relax! 


We recently got a cat flap (which, lately, I have been saying as ‘flap cat’!) and Rimmer, being the fat one, found it a litter harder to get through it! 

Now, my dog, Hattie has such hard life: eating food and lounging around all day.

And she also loves to feel festive around Christmas!  

  One more! I could save the rest for a part 2! 

And this one is of Lister, the thinner one of the two cats, but also the needier (for love and attention)! And he wanted to ‘help’ me on my Diy Christmas Gifts post! And my ‘a lil christmas/present haul‘ …. Thanks for that Listy! 


Thanks for all the support, and I hope you like my putty tats! I have loads more photos where they came from. So please let me know if you want a part two, and follow my blog for more (averagely awesome) posts! 

Ellie x



These at a few of my favourite things….


To lighten this gloomy January afternoon, I thought I would write a post describing the things that make me happy! 

So here we go….

  •  Christmas  –  I love everything about this day: the food, presents, family – it just makes me feel so happy and warm inside to see my family and share the memories! 
  • On the topic of memories; I love to look at old videos, photos and souvenirs, especially the ones taken from happy moments! I was around a friend’s house yesterday, who I have known all my life, and we went through old videos of when we were toddlers, from school and birthday parties, as well as a cooking video we filmed 4 years ago, which lasted over an hour! And we were laughing our heads off.
  • Happy endings – I always enjoy happy endings at the end of movies and books, and rewatching films that I know the ending is proven to reduce anxiety levels! 
  • Friends – it’s pretty simple to do, yet I realise we don’t do it enough, and that’s spending time with friends, preferably out of school, in a calmer, happier environment!  
  • The seaside – one of my favourite places is Southwold, a seaside town in England; I’ve made so many memories at beaches, all over the country, some recently, some when I was a child, some with family, and others with friends.
  • Watching my favourite youtube videos – I’ve made a playlist in Youtube called ‘happy’, where, over time, I have added videos that have made me laugh, smile or feel better, and if I ever feel down, I usually check out this playlist! 
  • Listen to music – also, another simple one, but you have to be careful to not listen to depressing music, or music you have previously listened to at a sad time of your life. I advise to listen to uplifting music, or upbeat music, also songs that bring back memories or have funny/happy lyrics.
  • Watching funny or uplifting TV – some TV shows that make me smile are: Friends, Gogglebox, The Graham Norton show, Sherlock, Not going out, and Miranda.

Thanks for reading, I would love to know what makes you happy, or feeling better; please leave a comment letting be me know! 

Click here if you want to read my post on uplifting quotes, that, I believe, can make you feel better and bring you some inspiration.

– Ellie x

Sick day ideas

Hey everyone, i thought i would write this as i am home alone, off school, with a cold, and sometimes this situation can be very, very boring.

I woke up this morning at my daily alarm for school around 7, went back to sleep, and had such a deep sleep, that when i woke up i thought it would be 11 am, when, in reality, it was only 10 to 9.

I came downstairs, had breakfast and plonked my butt on the sofa with the tv on and a duvet wrapped around me.

here’s what else i do on sick days:

  • Watch a film or tv – i wouldn’t recommend this if you are off school because of a migrane, your head wouldn’t appreciate it, instead i would sleep or listen to music or the radio (this can be very boring). Today i have already watched an episode of miranda, multiple episodes of friends, and on iplayer i have been watching the Miranda Hart ‘what I call live show’, and for the first time, an episode of KUWT Kardashians.

And if you cant find anything on tv, because usually, during the day, the tv guide never includes good tv, try a movie, and, as mentioned in one of my first posts ‘lazy day ideas’ musicals and Disney films are great, and my favourite genre of movies are romcoms, so any of these are recommended. You will also have enough time to watch the majority of the Harry Potter series, all films from The hobbit or Lord of the rings trilogies, and all of the Hungergames movies.

  • write a blog post! simple enough.
  • Start a Tumblr. Also pretty simple and addictive.
  • Go on a walk, and bring the dog! I have not done this, because I’m lazy, but if you feel like having a breath of fresh air, after hours of sitting in a stuffy bedroom, this is a great, distressing activity.
  • Create some art, but please don’t sneeze all over your beautiful creation!
  • Talk to, and tease your friends at school! to pass the time, and make then envy you, even if you don’t feel good.
  • Play some video games, app games or those gaming websites you used to play when you were younger.
  • Watch other people play video games on youtube.
  • Watch cat videos on youtube.
  • When your home alone, get anxious when someone calls or rings the doorbell. SCARY!

This was pretty short, but if you’re sitting at home bored outta your mind, this might help you!

Enjoy your sickness experience and think positively, you’ll be back to gruelling school soon. Ha!

Ellie x

Why are we so embarrassed by periods? What can we do to help?  


Recently I posted a rant about all the inconvenient tortures us women have to deal with monthly, I mainly discussed how much women have to pay to overcome their manstrual cycle for the majority of their lives, and I was extremely shocked by this figure! 

I realise that in developing countries, where there is a lack of clean water and sanitation, girls and women have a huge struggle to keep themselves clean, they can’t afford sanitary towels or enough clean underwear. I watched a video in geography (we are currently learning about the development gap and how dirty water can affect the development of a country), and this young girl was saying how she was teased when she was in her monthly period because she couldn’t hide it, and how she found it hard to concentrate on her education and lessons. I am now also aware of the disconcerting number of girls that had to leave school just because of their periods.

In my early years of secondary school, the girls in my year were given a few pads and tampons incase we needed them then or in the future, and I was very appreciative of this ‘gift’. However, I have read online (tumbr etc…) that university students received condoms for free, I agree that this is positive and will help decrease the anount of babies being born to underage mothers, but they do not give out sanitary items to girls. This appals me, why are condoms more of a necessity than pads, to use condoms and have sex is a choice and can be avoided, but periods are unavoidable, we aren’t given a choice to bleed and have cramps, it’s natural.

I would also like to talk about the em embarrassment of being on your period; we all know there is nothing wrong with it, and that every female will have it, but we will always try to be subtle about it, be quite when taking the packaging off, or just not speaking about it at all. In my friendship group, we (well mainly me, cause I’m mad) use ‘p-day’ as a code for being on, I even made p-day cards (again, because I’m mad and I do that) to wish my girl friends and happy p-day and ‘not to be a bloody bitch’ to me! 

I wish we (every female) would talk about it with more confidence, I believe it will help people overcome any embarrassment and possible teasing, as well as helping younger girls to know more about what will happen to them during a majority of their lives, not to mention education men about it. Because, even multiple sex-education lessons have never taught me enough about this topic; how long it will last, what any ‘sexual’ part of my body should look like and what to do and what not to do. So if everyone was more comfortable talking about this, there will be less people like me, and more people with the knowledge and wisdom, who don’t have to ask questions online or to their mums, who will know excactly what to do and what not to do when the time comes. 

I really hope I have widen your eyes (even just a little) to see how different people experience the same thing every month.

The recent rant post on this topic -click here.

Thank you for spending your time reading this! 

Ellie x

First day back to school and possible blog ideas update

Hello! I hope everyone had a great New Years, maybe you did something special, partied or stayed at home and watched the fireworks with family! 

Today was my first day back at school, and even though I don’t like to admit it, it wasn’t as bad as I initially thought it would be! 

I went out to shop quickly yesterday, and throughout the day I was procrastinating; I did something with my hair (which I never do), and that took what seemed like forever, but could have only been 15 minutes. I did everything but get my bag and clothes sorted, until 9pm last night, when I went full panic mode and started getting really anxious. I guess I had been putting it off to stop thinking about the next day. So I ran around the house searching for my uniform, charging my phone and preparing my blaser! I was relieved when I could Finally relax and have a bath, secluded in my own bed of warm water, alone with my thoughts.

And as I said before, today wasn’t too bad, I mean, Tuesdays are the worst day for me, but we had a few supplies and most lessons weren’t hard work, for instance, in chemistry we were making posters about ethanol, meaning coloured pens at hand! 

On the topic of teaching, I have had a few sessions online with Kat (my German friend), where she would tell me the translation to any words or phrases I wanted to know! I should’ve made the most of this opportunity and made her tell me translations to weird or rude phrases! All of the new words are written in my ‘everything in my life is awesome’ notebook that I received from a friend for Christmas.

I realise now that I should’ve used this notebook to list how my life isn’t awesome instead, to be honest, it will fill up faster writing this than what I am currently using it for! 

I’m only joking, I do appreciate my life more than anyone thinks I do.

Other than spending my money on chocolate yesterday, I made a visit to the post office, where I weighed and posted Kat’s Christmas present (which was two cards/letters, a tin of love heart sweets, a homemade Callander, with our photos on) and lots of bubble wrap! 

Also, surprising news – I have filled in my new diary every day since the 1st – be proud of me! 

I hoped you liked this quick update-type post, I feel like I’m gradually getting more comfortable on this platform! It’s nice having an anonymous blog, only my school friend Jammin knows about it, even if she can’t be bothered to read it herself! Shout out to Jammin! I’m so nice to her.

Without being anonymous, I would never be able to share some of the things I do, for example, my money, money, money post, about periods haha! I must admit this one should be shared, it will really surprise some people (if you like this one, I have some ideas for another one, similiar, soon – I like ranting about things that deserved to be ranted about!) Or the ‘Am I bi or do I just see the beauty in people?’, these posts will be too personal to share with my Facebook ‘friends’! 

I am debating wherever to do another rant post, similiar to my past ones, around the same topics, a little update post on how I have used my presents from my what I got for christmas post last year, or a post focussing on my cats and dog, which I can imagine will be funny, if I add the tons of photos I’ve taken of them! So if you like any of these ideas, or want me to do something else, please let me know! 
I think I should finish now, when I start getting into it, I just can’t stop! 

Ellie x

New year, new me?! … I’ll try

Happy New Year’s Eve or New Years (depending on your location!).

Like most people, I am going to create my New Years resolutions, made every year. Failed every year.

I am hoping that if my list of thing I aim to achieve is public, that maybe it will drive me to actually do them by this time next year. So this permanent source of my resolutions will haunt me for the next 12 months, and the subconscious thought of other people knowing of my failure to do something (other than procrastinate) will linger behind me like death – only more daunting! 

Well that went a bit too dark too quick! 

….. Okay! Let’s get started at this list! 

  1. Eat healthier – I am genuinly surprised I’m not as big as an elephant considering how much junk I eat; I understand that tis the season to eat like a pig, I mean we all love a good Christmas dinner, the chocolate gifts and the home made mince pies and cookies, right? But I’m hoping that in the spring, when the fruits are in season, that I will choose a fruit salad rather than a pizza. In my defence (against myself!?) i do have smoothies in the morning and salad with a meal, but I am a fool for snacks! 
  2. Go to the gym / do more exercise – I still haven’t started my physical for my Duke of Edinburgh, so this is a must, but I hope that if I eat healtier, I might as well get my body healthier!
  3. Be myself, and don’t care about what other people think of me – this one is hard, and it won’t come easy, but I need to let go of my insecurities, buy a bikini (never had one before), change my hair, walk into school on a non uniform day with confidence! 
  4. Make a new friend, or get closer to an old one!
  5. Save up money and go to Germany.
  6. Convince friends and thier parents to come with me to Germany.
  7. Save up even more money and but furniture for bedroom! 

 I might add more to this list in the future! 

Have a great last day in 2015 – see you next year! 

Ellie x

What I got for Christmas 2015

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a very merry Christmas, filled with family fun, chocolate, pigs in blankets and the gifts you needed, deserved as well as wanted! 

I am very grateful for all the presents I got this year, I appreciate the money, time and thought put into any of my gifts! 

Me and two friends did a box swap, we each full a box full of gifts for eachother, so I want to thank Jammin and Chummsa (Sarah) for all the lovely gifts, I hope you liked your’s! 

Body, bath and beauty

I received a lot of gifts in this catagory, so I will tell you now, it could be long! 


  • Bath bombs– I was given 6 bath bombs this year, I had used one before I took the photos, 3 Lush ones from my parents, and another lush one (this one I have used) from Chummsa, which made my bath go blue and glittery, unfortunately the names of all my bath bombs had been rubbed out! Additionally, I was given a cupcake bath bomb and a lavender scented heart! 
  • Body shop frosted cranberry shower gel 
  • Boots botanics strawberry body spray and mango body butter
  • Lip balm and hand cream –  my hands and lips can get seriously dry and chapped, so thanks Mum for something I needed.
  • Dermatologica clear start a.m. And p.m. Face cream and hydrating cream, to help reduce break outs.
  • Good things, five minute facial, face mask
  • ‘Use me once beauty boost’, includes face mask, hair mask and hand cream.
  • Collection, nude bronze eye pallet ‘eyes uncovered’ 
  • Beauticology strawberry and pomegranate hair mask
  • Soap and glory travel sized body butter, hand cream, and shower gels.


 Stationary and books

  • ‘The colour of nature’ colouring calendar! – which I have nearly finished already! 
  • Harry Potter colouring book
  • Staedtler triplus fibre-tip pens – very useful for my new colouring books 


  • 365 days, diary – I wanted to do a diary next year and write a brief description of that day, daily! 
  • Writing pad and envelopes –  to write thank you cards (suggested by my mother) and letters to Germany
  • Note books – ‘everything in my life is awesome’ (I wish!) and ‘homework distractions’ 
  • Sticky notes – cause they’re always useful!
  • Even more pens – writing pens
  • Girl online on tour
  • The amazing book is not on fire – the world of Dan and Phil


Home decoration

  • LED star light – I love this so much, it’s so pretty (and bright) 
  • Candles
  • Reindeer ceramic decorations
  • Fairy lights



I received three very pretty earings from friends and family, a bracelet and my cousin made a necklace with a signature ‘E’ stamped on a heart and a bracelet by hand.


  • Chocolate sprouts, not chocolate coated sprouts, instead white and mil chocolate, hand made to look like sprouts! 
  • Smarties – I always receive a tube of these in my stockings every year (I’m not complaining) 
  • Curry and chip flavoured chocolate bar (not my cup of tea, pretty spicy) 
  •  Terry’s chocolate orange with honeycomb 

I also was given vouchers for John Lewis, Claire’s and new look, One Direction’s new album, ‘Made in the A.M.’ 

 I want to thank everyone again for all the presents and money I got this year, none of the people who have them to me even know about this blog, but it’s nice to show appreciation! 

I wish you a very merry (late) Christmas and a happy new year! 

Ellie x

DIY Christmas gifts


It wasn’t too long ago that I made a post about a recent Christmas haul, some of the things mentioned in that post have now been used in presents for friends and family! These are all pretty much DIYs that you can easily do at home!

  • Bath bombs:

I find that you can never go wrong giving bath bombs as a gift, and to make them yourself. What could be better?! 

These were pretty easy to make but, the recipe and instructions I was using, used cups as measurements, so it took me a while to convert the cups into tablespoons. I never realised how big a cup was, so I soon ran out of ingredients, unfortunately, I only made 6 small-ish ones. 

I used lavender essential oils, and also used a silicone cupcake tray as moulds. 

I really liked how they turned out, and I really do hope they work! 

I’m giving them to my mum, maybe even dad if I add chocolate with them, I’ve placed them into the Oliver Bonas bowl (mentioned in my last post) with some gold tissue paper! 

You can find the instructions I used here! The recipe is really clear, and I found that this one has the most delail and useful tips! 


  • Chocolate chip cookies in a jar:

This was also really easy to make; all I did was layer the dry ingredients into a jar, I made them go from light to dark (cause I’m just so artistic!), and all my friend (who will receive This gift) will have to do is add 1 egg and 80g butter, roll, cut into shapes, and bake for 7-9 minutes at 170°c.

To do this, I layered:

  • 100g plain flower
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 100g soft brown sugar
  • 30g cocoa powder
  • 100 milk chocolate chips 

This altogether, didn’t take any longer that 15 minutes to put together and make the label! 

I am planning to give this to my friend Sarah, who I have realised loves baking but doesn’t have a lot of time to do it, and I doubt that making this would take any longer than 15-20 minutes! 


  • Goodie bags for friends:

I loved these little gifts, you can make these with anything, from food, to makeup to bits and bobs!

For mine I made roughly 6 bags altogether for friends, they included:

  • Nail polishes
  • Bath bombs
  • A selection of Sweets (lollies)
  • Chocolate
  • Some had washi tape

I know there wasn’t much of selection, but I made sure they each got enough of the sweets and they did look pretty cute with their ribbons and tags! 

I couldn’t find a good photo of the bags – sorry! 


  • Extras:

In our group of friends we did a secret Santa, so I also brought a few gifts for my friend (a lush bath bomb and chocolate orange!)

Also, me and my friend Sarah (yes the same one from before) have made boxes for eachother, and put in little gifts, although I haven’t yet found a box! I am also doing this with a school friend, Jasmine, and we have already swapped boxes on Friday, and my one from her is currently sitting under the tree, and I have to resist the temptation to open it every day! 
I hope you enjoyed this post and I also hope it has given you inspiration for any last minute gifts! 

Thank you, and I will try and post at least once more before Christmas! But until then, have a great week and try to resist the temptation – don’t open any presents early! 

Ellie x

A lil Christmas/present haul

Last weekend, I went shopping with my friend, I set out to buy a Christmas jumper and a few missed gifts for friends and family.

I have already been Christmas shopping in the late autumn – a gift haul/guide will be posted soon, if you want to see what I have made for some of my friends! 

So let’s get straight into it!

Primark: I brought a few bits from primark, so that’s a little haul by itself! 

  • My Christmas jumper 2015 – it is too close to the 25th to buy any more or other x-mas jumpers, no matter how much I want to, I’m just not made of money! This specific one was £14, which is a good price, compared to other shops! And I think that the penguin design is so cute!!



  • Nail polishes – I brought the clear one for myself, only because my last one has dried up, and I want to paint my nails soon. This was only 80p, which makes me worry that it will work as cheaply as it’s price. I did try a little on my thumb – and it’s pretty good! 

The second set of polishes are going to be shared between friends along with other lovely gifts, and, of course, I kept the glittery one to myself – guilty as charged! 

  • A tin of love hearts – this does not need much discussion, we all love these sherberty hearts. I brought this as a gift to my German friend (mentioned many times before), who loves them! 


  • Mini makeup brushes – these are just a little gift to my friend who wears makeup (more than me) and might appreciate this cute set, though, is she ever reads this, should know that she doesn’t need any of it!


  • Rimmel London BB cream – £6.99 – I was afraid when I brought this, that I had just wasted £7 on a makeup product that will show on my face, or not work – but it is the right shade on my skin and has a perfect coverage, my friends can’t even tell I’ve got makeup on! This is my first time buying any makup product other than concealer, powder and mascara, so I wanted to go for something that won’t harm my skin, but will help reduce the apearance if my pores and cover my spots – and I wasn’t disappointed.
  • Rimmel stay matte powder – I brought this, and two other BB creams (one of which was for my friend) as a buy 3 for 2 deal only Rimmel products, so if I were you, I would make the most of this opportunity to get some lovely makup or even nail polishes.


  • Oliver Bonas, matte bowl – I’ve seen these, and all the other lovely OB decor online recently, so I thought I would pop in and browse, which actually was a lovely experience. I saw this bowl and thought of my mum, so my plan is to fill it with sweets, chocolate or bath stuff for my parents for Chrismas! 


  • New look, unicorn pyjama set – £12.99 – new look have a lot of unicorn themed clothes in the 915 section this season, and this set was the one I was most in love with, they are so cute and sweet, and just so darn comfortable.


I hope you enjoyed this (too long?) post, I really really really like… Everything in this haul! 

I hope everyone is having a great winter so far, only 10 more days till Christmas Day! We put up our Christmas tree and even more lights on Sunday, so I feel very festive at the moment.

Hopefully I will be posting a Christmas related recipe, and my gift haul by the 25th – so stay tuned (or just keep your eyes peeled, cause this isnt TV!) 

See ya soon, 

Ellie x

Autumn favourites


It’s drawing to the end of November, and to me that means the end of autumn (though winter actually begins on the 21st of December). So I thought what a better time to make an Autumn favourites!

So here we go…

TV- in these last few months I have been watching TV a lot more (than youtube), some of my favourites have been:

  •  The Graham Norton show – I love this late show on a Friday night, Graham Norton always has great guests and many funny jokes!
  •  I’m a celebrity! – a TV show I look forward to all year nothing more to say!
  • Gogglebox – if you’ve never seen Gogglebox I’d really recommend it to anyone (who doesn’t mind strong language).


  • Gabby/velvetgh0st – Gabby puts loads of effort into her videos and uploads consistently, I just love everything about them: the editing, lighting, her makeup and fashion, her ideas and her personality!
  • Stacyplays – for younger viewers and/or those who like dogs, minecraft and video games. Stacy also uploads consistently – every day! And is such a nice person. For example, recently she went to ToysRus, and spent over $1000 on minecraft and Disney toys to give to children who would not get presents this year!


  • One direction – After seeing them live earlier this autumn I had been playing four on repeat, and the release of their new album made in the AM, got me very exited, it’s Perfect and the songs are so great, please listen to it!
  • Shawn mendes – in my last post i made a list of my favourites of Shawn’s songs! So obviously I’m a fan of his music! I’d recommend listening to Stitches and I know what you did last summer if you haven’t already, and if you have, listen to it again!


Lately I have made/wanted to make loads of DIYs for presents and my room decor, I also like looking on pintrest and youtube for ideas.

Extra favourites- 

  • Boots extracts spray – me and my friends all have these sprays, I have a mango and a strawberry one, though I must admit that I like the stawberry better.

  • Soap and glory – I’ve been in love with everything soap and glory, especially the hand food, every one of their products smells lovely!

  • Writing letters – sounds odd, but, as my friend has moved back to Germany, we have been writing letters, now all I need is some snazzy writing paper.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Have a good week and a great winter! 25 days left!  I’m feeling festive already!

Ellie x