A letter to my future self 

A letter to my future self.
I direct this letter to the future me, addressing my children (presuming I have a girl and a boy) and how I should treat them, teach them and love them.

Firstly, teachings:

Ellie, teach your children plenty. Teach them to be kind, loving and respectful. Teach them to never bully, never be sexist or racist and to never judge others by appearances. Teach them to love themselves, to love their siblings, parents, family and friends. Teach them to choose friends and relationships wisely, to be positive and stay clear if toxic people. Teach them to stand up for themselves and not stand by when others are hurt. Teach your son to treat women right. Teach your girl that it’s ok to feel down, just as long as she gets back up. I hope you teach them to stay strong, that it gets better even when times are tough. Let them know that you’re there for them and that they are loved. Teach them that it’s ok to be different, as long as they’re happy. Teach them faith. Teach them hope. Teach them love.


Allow them to follow their dreams and hopes, to not dwell on the past, to not worry about the future, but to live in the present.

Allow them to be themselves, to be honest with you – don’t shut them down when they say the truth. Be positive even if you, yourself feel down, just remember that you have them and that’s the best thing.

Never judge what they watch on TV, their friends or what they wear. Never make them feel ashamed or who they are, or feel judged for anything.

Give them directions, but never force them, and never punish them if they make a mistake, instead show them that it is ok to go wrong, and comfort them.

Take them to concerts, conventions and shows. Fuel their inner fangirls and fanboys.

Be their best friend, their favourite person, someone they can talk to about anything.


I hope your children love you, just as much as you love them. I hope you have a connection with them, and bond of honesty and compassion. I hope that they can speak to you openly in any time if needed, and to not be afraid of what you will say. I hope they understand what is right and wrong, and know to be safe and not try anything illegal or dangerous. I hope they tell you their crushes, the drama at school and their future plans. I hope they are never afraid of you, your actions or what you will say. I hope they never come home feeling frightened, hurt or anxious.

I hope you are happy.

I hope they are happy too.

Letter to my future children:

Dear my son, I love you, even if I do not show it, I hope your dad has set a good example for you, if not, well, I don’t think future Ellie will be very happy. Here’s a few things: firstly, don’t be afraid of girls, they are surprisingly, not that different than you think; don’t be worried about being gay or bi, I will love you for you; treat girls well, don’t play games with them, don’t do that to hurt them; don’t worry about being obsessed with video games, sports or techy stuff, your uncle loved his computers, not so much sport, and I’m guessing he’ll be ok! 

Revise(!), stay positive and be who you wanna be.

To my daughter, of course I love you! I’ve always wanted a daughter, to have a special connection with that I did not have with my mum growing up. I hope you realise that I wasn’t always a stressed old cow, but was once a teenage girl, who loved the internet, who was very weird and a young girl trying to cope with probably similar problems as you! Again, be who you want to be and do what you love. 

Lastly, to you all, have fun,  experience new things, and realise how badly your mum wants to impress you, do things you enjoy, and show you she loves you! 

Love, your mother! 

Oh me gawsh that was long. Imma sorry, it was cheesy and lengthy, but I meant every word!

Ellie x

First day back to school and possible blog ideas update

Hello! I hope everyone had a great New Years, maybe you did something special, partied or stayed at home and watched the fireworks with family! 

Today was my first day back at school, and even though I don’t like to admit it, it wasn’t as bad as I initially thought it would be! 

I went out to shop quickly yesterday, and throughout the day I was procrastinating; I did something with my hair (which I never do), and that took what seemed like forever, but could have only been 15 minutes. I did everything but get my bag and clothes sorted, until 9pm last night, when I went full panic mode and started getting really anxious. I guess I had been putting it off to stop thinking about the next day. So I ran around the house searching for my uniform, charging my phone and preparing my blaser! I was relieved when I could Finally relax and have a bath, secluded in my own bed of warm water, alone with my thoughts.

And as I said before, today wasn’t too bad, I mean, Tuesdays are the worst day for me, but we had a few supplies and most lessons weren’t hard work, for instance, in chemistry we were making posters about ethanol, meaning coloured pens at hand! 

On the topic of teaching, I have had a few sessions online with Kat (my German friend), where she would tell me the translation to any words or phrases I wanted to know! I should’ve made the most of this opportunity and made her tell me translations to weird or rude phrases! All of the new words are written in my ‘everything in my life is awesome’ notebook that I received from a friend for Christmas.

I realise now that I should’ve used this notebook to list how my life isn’t awesome instead, to be honest, it will fill up faster writing this than what I am currently using it for! 

I’m only joking, I do appreciate my life more than anyone thinks I do.

Other than spending my money on chocolate yesterday, I made a visit to the post office, where I weighed and posted Kat’s Christmas present (which was two cards/letters, a tin of love heart sweets, a homemade Callander, with our photos on) and lots of bubble wrap! 

Also, surprising news – I have filled in my new diary every day since the 1st – be proud of me! 

I hoped you liked this quick update-type post, I feel like I’m gradually getting more comfortable on this platform! It’s nice having an anonymous blog, only my school friend Jammin knows about it, even if she can’t be bothered to read it herself! Shout out to Jammin! I’m so nice to her.

Without being anonymous, I would never be able to share some of the things I do, for example, my money, money, money post, about periods haha! I must admit this one should be shared, it will really surprise some people (if you like this one, I have some ideas for another one, similiar, soon – I like ranting about things that deserved to be ranted about!) Or the ‘Am I bi or do I just see the beauty in people?’, these posts will be too personal to share with my Facebook ‘friends’! 

I am debating wherever to do another rant post, similiar to my past ones, around the same topics, a little update post on how I have used my presents from my what I got for christmas post last year, or a post focussing on my cats and dog, which I can imagine will be funny, if I add the tons of photos I’ve taken of them! So if you like any of these ideas, or want me to do something else, please let me know! 
I think I should finish now, when I start getting into it, I just can’t stop! 

Ellie x