Posts by thatgirlonline

Hello small corner of the internet! I will keep this short, but here's the details; I'm Ellie, I'm 14 years old and English, I post regularly and try my upmost best to create entertaining, insightful or just pleasant content! There are many posts to read, ranging from lists, to rants, from hauls to descriptive long reads! I hope you enjoy my blog, and please respect me, my blog and my opinions! Thank you. Ellie x

Ausburg – Bavaria, Germany trip day 4

After a long drive through the beautiful Bavarian countryside, listening to English music on the German radio, we made it to the city of Ausburg. 

Firstly, after a small walk through the shops and buildings, we went to a pizza restaurant, overlooking the old buildings and tram lines (which I have never seen!).

After filling up on pizza and Spezi (coke and fanta branded drink), we walked to the Rathaus (the town hall) and into the ‘golden hall’, this is a grand room decorated with magnificent paintings and a brilliant gold interior. Kat and her mother kindly translated some information on Ausburg, and it’s history and I learnt about it’s twin towns and how the wars affected the city. 


Following this, we walked to the very hidden door of a church, climbed up the many narrow flights of steps until we reached the top, with only five minutes to go until the bells right above us chimed in the hour. 

It took me by surprise, the first chime, it was 3 o’clock and the  bells were very loud. This still didn’t stop me enjoying the view I could see from the top: of the old city skyline, the low buildings and the onion shaped roofs. 

We then walked around some more, I brought ice cream for Kat, her mum and her sister and we saw the original canals. (I learnt that Ausburg was known as the Bavarian Venice).

Lastly, we visited the Mozart Haus, mozarts childhood home, now developed into a museum of the great composer. Luckily, there was German and English headsets available for me to walk and listen so I could learn and understand.

Ellie x

Bavaria, Germany trip day 3

My parents left in the morning to fly back to England, so I wouldn’t see them for another week yet! Though this scared me at first, to be left alone in a different country, it was actually great to have 

After breakfast, me and Kat went for a walk around the edge of town, took a ton of pictures of the scenery, horses and fishes in the pond.

 Then we went for another walk in the old town, we brought our ice cream, mine was yogurette flavoured (schmeck gut) before finding a bench with the best view in the town. We sat with our ices admiring the mountains on the horizon.

After our walks and lunch, we sat in the garden, under the sun, to play frustration (which I won!) and uno (me :1, Kat:1) .

For dinner, we walked to the local pub in the old town, for another birthday meal for Kat’s other grandad. This night, like Tuesday, consisted of me listening to their conversations, listening out for any words I recognised, I felt like I was just left out of many inside jokes, having to ask someone to translate the menu, and sitting in silence eating my (beef) schnitzel and drinking my spezi (cola and fanta) until anyone wanted to speak to me.

Please check out my previous days of my German trip! 

Ellie x

Füssen – Bavaria, Germany trip day 2


I woke up to rain and clouds, but it was my parents last day in Germany, so we couldn’t do nothing! 

We stopped at the Weis chapel, a large, beautiful, architectural church, on route to Fussen. I loved this building, full of gold, ceiling paintings, a large organ and a lovely view when leaving the chapel.

We travelled to Fussen for lunch, stopping on the way to take photos of Neuschwanstein castle in Schwangau.

For lunch I chose to try (pork) Schniztel and chips, and to my surprise I actually liked it! But obviously didn’t finish it though aha! 

We left early because, unfortunately, my mum felt sick. So we drove home and left her to sleep in the hotel, while me and Kat enjoyed some Youtube before dinner.

For dinner we (me, my parents and Kat’s family) went to a local restaurant in Schongau, that is located inside the old wall above the frauentor (woman gate), I ate a German take on pizza made with pastry instead of bread called Flammkuchen, es war lecker! 

Please check my day 1 of my German trip too.

Ellie x

Bavaria,Germany trip day 1

Recently, I travelled to Germany, to visit my friend who lives in the beautiful Bavaria. I woke up at 3 am on Tuesday the 9th of August, to travel with my parents to Stanstead Airport to catch my Ryanair flight at 7:05am to Memmingen Airport.

After driving our hire car from the airport in Germany to the town of Schongau, and after having to constantly remind my dad, the driver, to drive in the right not left, we made it to my friends house and my parent’s hotel.

We were greeted by a traditional Bavarian lunch: white sausages, pretzels, bread and butter, before we went for a walk around the old town and the historic market. We wandered along the old wall that borders the old part of the town, as well as seeing one of the fantastic churches in the town centre.

In the evening, I left my parents and went with my friend Kat and her family to her grandfather’s birthday meal, which was, what I would call ‘fancy’, so I felt a little out if place in my jeans and sweater that I had had on since that morning! 

I met their family, who were very nice, and, thankfully, could speak English, ate a lovely meal, that if you knew me it wouldn’t surprise you that I couldn’t eat every course. I was full from just the salad starter!

We made it home (well their home obviously) at around 11/midnight, and I got a well deserved sleep.

Ellie x

Helpful tips for a DofE expedition

Hello! So the other weekend I completed my real expedition for my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award, so I thought I’d share any tips that I used and learned for both my practise and real expedition and any other tips I have adopted from other people.

Packing:  Always pack your sleeping bag at the bottom of your bag, and useful things that you will need before your tent is put up, like waterproofs, first aid kit and your lunch at the top of the bag and/or in any easy access pockets of your rucksack.

Buy a suitable rucksack. I had a hard time with my bag because it was too big; I borrowed it from a friend who is taller and larger than me, so the bag didn’t fit me. The straps were supposed to be positioned above my hips, however, they stayed below them, so instead of most of the weight being on my hips, which it should be, the weight was on my shoulders, resulting in soreness and pain.

This bag was also brought for my friend completing her gold award, so she needed a lot more things than I did, meaning a big bag with lots of room. The huge space made me feel like I needed to fill it, so I didn’t worry too much about bringing less, so inevitably more room = more things to fill it with = more weight for me to carry. I would recommend buying/borrowing a medium sized bag, just right for all the things you NEED. 

If you’re walking in the rain or wet grass, bring a few spare pairs of  walking socks to use when at camp and the next day. Additionally, bring plastic bags to cover your boots whilst walking and newspaper to put inside your wet walking boots when at camp (if you have brought spare shoes) or at night (because you obviously won’t be wearing them under your sleeping bag!).

Bring another pair of warm socks for night time.

Borrow as much as possible from other campers or friends like a pen knife, sleeping bag etc.. The more you borrow the less you pay.

I wore leggings for both my expeditions, and at night, before I went to bed, I changed into another pair of leggings which I planned to wear the next day, and slept in them with jogging bottoms over the top, meaning I wouldn’t have to change them the next morning, all I had to do was take off the joggers.

Be prepared, in every way possible; have the right mindset, learn how to read the maps and compasses, know how to put up your tent and use the trangia. Practise walking with your backpack on, prepare for cold weather, and hot – bring a vest top and a coat.


– your bag shouldn’t weigh anymore than 1/4 (a quatre) of your body weight.

walk in your boots, this will decrease your chance of having sore feet with lots of blisters.

put the methylated spirit as far away as possible from your tents, I believe our assessor said to put your cooking fluid at least 10 metres away from everyone’s tents.

remember your aim and complete it, you will need to show evidence at the end.

 – Have fun! (If that’s possible) 

I know that this is a lot of information to take in, but it will really help you to have fun, feel more comfortable and to pass your expedition.

So good luck to anyone partaking in a DofE expedition soon – try to be positive and friendly to all your fellow campers and your group! 

Ellie x

Spring favourites

Is it summer already?! Well, over here in the east of England it doesn’t look like it; so far this week the weathers been a little confused: some days bright, warm and sunny, and most days very windy and rainy.
For me, the first of June equals summer, even if the weather doesn’t look like it. So here we are again, with another seasonal favourites.


  1.  Britains got talent was back on ITV, for it’s tenth year! Wow, it only feels like a few years ago that I was sitting, with my family, watching Susan Boyle, Diversity and Twist and Pulse and all the other weird and wonderful acts on that stage. I have to be honest, this year has been one of the most talented ones I’ve seen, and all the acts in the final deserved to be there, so did our winner of 2016! 
  2. Pretty Little Liars – I know I’m late to the party by just starting to watch PLL a few months ago, but at least I’ve seen it now, and I would recommend it to everyone. I love all the characters, the cast, the writing and plot, and I was hooked (I still am!) until I finished it the other day. Heartbreaking, I know.
  3. ZAYN – gotta love Mind of Mine, so different from One Direction, but I love both styles and vocals. I love the chill vibe I get from this album, and all the songs are catchy. 
  4. Duke of Edinburgh – I guess this is more of a hate than a love. My practise expedition near enough killed me, I couldn’t walk and my shoulders ached like crazy. I used ‘death’ and ‘dead’ as adjectives too many times that weekend. E.g. “My legs are dead”or “I feel like death”. The only good thing was the camping, mainly because we didn’t have to move very far.
  5. Netflix – my idea of Netflix and chill is plonking down on the sofa, watching PLL, OUAT, or a casual movie, in my pyjamas. No dirty business there. Except for Pretty Little Liars and Once upon an time, I have been making the most of this wonderful opportunity, by watching old films, Disney films, and doctor who.


That’s it! I would love to know what you’ve been enjoying this month or season, and I would always appreciate love any recommendations you have for me to watch on Netflix.

Ellie x

A letter to my future self 

A letter to my future self.
I direct this letter to the future me, addressing my children (presuming I have a girl and a boy) and how I should treat them, teach them and love them.

Firstly, teachings:

Ellie, teach your children plenty. Teach them to be kind, loving and respectful. Teach them to never bully, never be sexist or racist and to never judge others by appearances. Teach them to love themselves, to love their siblings, parents, family and friends. Teach them to choose friends and relationships wisely, to be positive and stay clear if toxic people. Teach them to stand up for themselves and not stand by when others are hurt. Teach your son to treat women right. Teach your girl that it’s ok to feel down, just as long as she gets back up. I hope you teach them to stay strong, that it gets better even when times are tough. Let them know that you’re there for them and that they are loved. Teach them that it’s ok to be different, as long as they’re happy. Teach them faith. Teach them hope. Teach them love.


Allow them to follow their dreams and hopes, to not dwell on the past, to not worry about the future, but to live in the present.

Allow them to be themselves, to be honest with you – don’t shut them down when they say the truth. Be positive even if you, yourself feel down, just remember that you have them and that’s the best thing.

Never judge what they watch on TV, their friends or what they wear. Never make them feel ashamed or who they are, or feel judged for anything.

Give them directions, but never force them, and never punish them if they make a mistake, instead show them that it is ok to go wrong, and comfort them.

Take them to concerts, conventions and shows. Fuel their inner fangirls and fanboys.

Be their best friend, their favourite person, someone they can talk to about anything.


I hope your children love you, just as much as you love them. I hope you have a connection with them, and bond of honesty and compassion. I hope that they can speak to you openly in any time if needed, and to not be afraid of what you will say. I hope they understand what is right and wrong, and know to be safe and not try anything illegal or dangerous. I hope they tell you their crushes, the drama at school and their future plans. I hope they are never afraid of you, your actions or what you will say. I hope they never come home feeling frightened, hurt or anxious.

I hope you are happy.

I hope they are happy too.

Letter to my future children:

Dear my son, I love you, even if I do not show it, I hope your dad has set a good example for you, if not, well, I don’t think future Ellie will be very happy. Here’s a few things: firstly, don’t be afraid of girls, they are surprisingly, not that different than you think; don’t be worried about being gay or bi, I will love you for you; treat girls well, don’t play games with them, don’t do that to hurt them; don’t worry about being obsessed with video games, sports or techy stuff, your uncle loved his computers, not so much sport, and I’m guessing he’ll be ok! 

Revise(!), stay positive and be who you wanna be.

To my daughter, of course I love you! I’ve always wanted a daughter, to have a special connection with that I did not have with my mum growing up. I hope you realise that I wasn’t always a stressed old cow, but was once a teenage girl, who loved the internet, who was very weird and a young girl trying to cope with probably similar problems as you! Again, be who you want to be and do what you love. 

Lastly, to you all, have fun,  experience new things, and realise how badly your mum wants to impress you, do things you enjoy, and show you she loves you! 

Love, your mother! 

Oh me gawsh that was long. Imma sorry, it was cheesy and lengthy, but I meant every word!

Ellie x

Winter Favourites

Hello internet!  How are you all? Good? Good.

It’s that time of the year, Easters approaching, the daffodils are now, somehow everywhere! And the days are getting longer, and you know what all that means? It’s spring! … Like you didn’t know that already..

Anyway, at the end of each season I write a short description of all the things I’ve been enjoying those last few months! 

So for winter, which feels like it has lasted forever, I have a few favourites: 

  • Youtube: I haven’t been watching as much youtube recently, but when I do use the app, I usually click on any of the ‘Gabbie show‘s’ videos. I live her videos and her personality, and I just can’t stop watching her – her life is so intriguing and her storytime videos are hilarious, and slightly scary.
  • TV: I can’t talk about tv without mentioning ‘The night manager‘, this BBC drama, starring Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Coleman and Hugh Laurie, is just so gripping and intense, I can’t wait till the last one, airing Sunday! I couldn’t describe the plot, but let’s just say it’s very James Bond: with romance, secrets and undercover agents.
  • Music: I have been listening to a lot of different music during the winter months, nothing in particular but mainly songs in the charts, Jack and Jack, Troye Sivan, and One Direction – most recently Midnight Memories in particular. 
  • Skincare: I won’t go into too much detail, as I have plans to write  a skincare post soon. However, Dermalogica clear start moisturisers have been my go-to skincare products this winter. I suffer greatly from breakouts and the hydrating lotion and daytime and overnight treatments have helped so much! 
  • Lastly, Books: in all honesty, I don’t read as much as I should, but there are a few books I have enjoyed reading lately: Girl Online on tour, by Zoe Sugg; Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn; and The amazing book is not on fire, by Dan and Phil.

I hope you liked this seasonal favourites post, and I hope it gave you a little insight in my interests and likes. I would reccomend any of the products/things mentioned.


Ellie x

Feminism, Free the nipple and Favouritism 

Hello! So today I thought would take on a serious topic, but I will post a winter favourites and my skincare products post! So keep an eye out for those.

The topic: Feminism and equality

Now, I am all for equality and being a feminist, but some people think that by having ‘feminine’ in feminism, it is about women being better than men, which is completely wrong! I believe men and women should be treated the same, and there should be equality between both genders, even if this equality isn’t always beneficial to me or other women! For example, female abusers should have the same level of punishment and respect as make abusers; I know that if a man is abused by his female partner it isn’t taken as seriously as it would if a woman was abused by a man! This also counts for make and female rape victims, and how much attention they get.

For a slightly different discussion – sexual organs and the human body:

Many of my friends have been told by teachers to put on a jumper because their shoulders were “too revealing”,and our school doesn’t allow shorts, even in the burning heat of the summer, unless it’s a part of the pe kit. But why are shoulders or thighs sexual!? It’s not a girls fault that a boy can’t control himself when he sees a girl’s legs. And all the girls who like girls can hold keep calm around other girls in shorts! In all honesty, it’s just stupid.

Many of you would have seen the hashtags for ‘free the nipple’, because obviously, over the years, we decided that the identical male nipples are ok, but female nipples are just wrong, even thought they actually have a use; we can’t even breast feed in public without an uproar, because it obviously doesn’t matter that a child needs feeding or it will bawl it’s eyes out, just as long as you don’t have to see that monstrosity called human nature

Imagine it’s summer, the sun’s rays glowing, as you sweat under your tank tops and, if you’re comfortable, bikinis, which also leave tan lines, and all the men, large or skinny can walk around without a shirt and feel, maybe only slightly, better. I know that when I’m sweating on the beach, all I want to do is walk around topless. But no, no you can’t Ellie, because now you’re older and you have boobs, you just can’t show them, no matter how hot you are (both kinds! Ha!)

Oh! Talking about body sizes and topless; I’ve noticed how larger men can go into public, or post a picture of themselves topless, and won’t get a second glance or a nasty comment, but a larger girl, wearing a crop top or bikini, gets called fat and told she shouldn’t wear those types of clothes. But what can we do about it…. Other than being less freakin judgemental!!

I’m sorry if by the end I was comparing men to women, and how much better you guys have it. I can’t even explain to you how envious I am of men, and how little freedom we have, because someone said that certain things are socially unacceptable. 

I realise we try to do things about this, but their not always effective: graphic pictures if a female breast have to be covered or photoshopped with a male nipple, otherwise they will be deleted, people will always be biased, and some People just don’t understand what feminism is.
I hope you found this insightful, and if you have any discussions or questions, please comment bellow! 

Thank you,

Ellie x