Bavaria, Germany trip day 3

My parents left in the morning to fly back to England, so I wouldn’t see them for another week yet! Though this scared me at first, to be left alone in a different country, it was actually great to have 

After breakfast, me and Kat went for a walk around the edge of town, took a ton of pictures of the scenery, horses and fishes in the pond.

 Then we went for another walk in the old town, we brought our ice cream, mine was yogurette flavoured (schmeck gut) before finding a bench with the best view in the town. We sat with our ices admiring the mountains on the horizon.

After our walks and lunch, we sat in the garden, under the sun, to play frustration (which I won!) and uno (me :1, Kat:1) .

For dinner, we walked to the local pub in the old town, for another birthday meal for Kat’s other grandad. This night, like Tuesday, consisted of me listening to their conversations, listening out for any words I recognised, I felt like I was just left out of many inside jokes, having to ask someone to translate the menu, and sitting in silence eating my (beef) schnitzel and drinking my spezi (cola and fanta) until anyone wanted to speak to me.

Please check out my previous days of my German trip! 

Ellie x